"You do not need to be going to the Himalayas, you can create the Himalayas in your own place." -Prashant Iyengar
Ah, Savasana. The ending posture of a yoga practice, the place to let everything go. Lying there, lifeless, silent, still- a corpse. This is an art, of letting things rot. Letting the body fall back into the earth, back to where it came from.
I've been starting to take my Savasana a little more seriously. Savasana, can be better than sleep. It's deep relaxation at its finest. After practice, the body is able to assimilate and integrate everything it just did. Deep relaxation allows the mind to expand clarity and overcome mental agitation. Tension melts away. Really, think about how important that is? The body is able to heal, revitalize and renew all at once in this pose. It's hard though, it's actually really hard to just lay there and do absolutely nothing- because your stuck with just yourself, there's nothing to take you away from it. And that's the beauty of it, it's like death, it's absolute and unchanging. The soul is buried in layers of distractions and stimulation, Savasana is the opportunity to get in touch with the most core part of our being. It opens the door to our discovery, that everything we needed was already there.
Just let go, unwind, embrace lifelessness.