It's all about Succulent, Wild Living.

Over the past year I've been on this wild path where I've been gifted many opportunities to grow past old beliefs and replace them with something more whole. I've been living so richly, succulently, gorgeously, exuberantly, beautifully, radiantly, deliciously, powerfully, lively! I'd like to share some of the love with you. From growing vegetables, going fishing and making herbal tinctures to sun salutations, meditating and moonbathing....I think you might like it.

Most of us live in a world where sharing our experiential knowledge with others can be rare. We're just too busy spending life outside our bodies, listening to an inner, critical dialogue, and denying any time for self-appreciation. We never stop to simply sit and enjoy silence.... I have decided I don't want to live like this. I refuse to limit my potential and stay trapped in a state negativity, self-obsession and mindlessness.

I forgot for awhile the immediate connectivity I have with the Earth, my surroundings, the people in my life, my food, my health; that sort of intuitive well-being. It took awhile, but I've been reviving that connection through changing my lifestyle and perceptivity. This blog isn't about trying to get you to believe something or being critical of the world's state of being. I just hope to enlighten you with some ways you can integrate soulful health and radiant well-being too. I call it succulent, wild living.

Plant your feet in the ground with me and grow.


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